White Paper

Read the full White Paper here: drpepeai.ar-io.dev


For the first time in humans, clinical research shows the ability to reverse human aging exponentially with the capacity for immortality via intermittent hyperoxia. Intermittent hyperoxia involves switching between 100% oxygen (hyperbaric oxygen) and normoxic conditions (standard 20% oxygen) over an extended period of time (further outlined below). This strategy provides for systemic rejuvenation to the body and its cellular signaling pathways, addressing all aspects of aging simultaneously - unprecedented. Perhaps most notably, because intermittent hyperoxia does not use drugs or gene editing but only oxygen, it is clinically available at global scale with a well-established safety profile. Clinical studies for intermittent hyperoxia have shown exponential extension of telomeres, reduction in senescent cells, significant transcriptome changes, stem cell mobilization, amongst others resulting in age reversal of 25 years. This paper stands on the shoulders of giants, combining both a systems approach to aging biology as well as the effective treatment to reverse aging in humans systemically.

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